Entering the Mainstream: A Synopsis
Cheap, Powerful Hardware:
- Intel i386 processor released in early 1986
- Over 18 times faster than 8088 in original PC
- First microprocessor with all the features of a fully-developed, general-purpose computer
Graphical User Interfaces:
- Emerged on PCs in 1990 with Microsoft Windows 3.0
- Previous versions of Windows weren’t "ready for prime time"
- Macintosh was then (and still is) a niche player
Local Area Networks:
- Emerged in 1980’s
- Matured in early 1990’s
Relational Databases:
- Emerged in 1970’s
- Matured in 1980’s
- Became generally accessible from PCs once MS Windows and LANs were in place
Powerful Development Tools:
- Were needed because development of Windows applications in C was too slow and costly
- Emerged in 1991, led by Visual Basic and PowerBuilder
- Many other tools are now available
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