Client/Server Technology


This three-day seminar examines the emerging technology that makes client/server possible.

The recent emergence of high-powered, low-cost desktop processors, robust multi-tasking operating systems with graphical user interfaces, large integrated local area networks, and distributed relational database management systems has enabled the design of practical client/server systems. But neither the components nor the ways in which they fit together are well understood by most IT organizations.

The Client/Server Technology seminar examines the hardware and software components of client/server systems and shows how these components interact. Participants will gain:

Who will benefit?

This seminar will benefit both computer professionals and technically-oriented end users. No previous client/server education or experience is required.

Ensure a smooth and effective transition to client/server.
Call 1.800.756.9450 to schedule this seminar or request information about other Socrates Group seminars. If none of our standard courses fits your special needs, we'll gladly create one that does.

Course Outline:

The Roots of Client/Server

In this module, we describe the evolving business needs that powered the development of client/server technology, how fulfilling those needs often conflicts with established IT infrastructures and practices, and the need to re-engineer IT infrastructures and attitudes to support effective client/server systems.

We show how the enabling technology for client/server has evolved and proliferated chaotically to suit the demands of end users, disrupting access to data required in today's rapidly changing business climate.

What is Client/Server?

You can't build effective client/server if you don't agree with others as to what it is. We logically discount various popular definitions to show what client/server really means; then go on to show how it works and how it compares to other computing models. Topics covered include:
  1. Evolution of programming models
  2. Various forms of cooperative processing and the strategies for implementing them
  3. Process relationships and IPCs
  4. Critical enabling technologies
  5. Distributed applications vs resource sharing
  6. Client/server applications and communications
  7. Logical connectivity
  8. Clarifying examples of client/server
  9. Two-tiers or three? Examples
  10. What does the future hold?

The Case for Architectures

Building an effective information system requires detailed plans. We show how architectures answer critical questions before a project is begun and insure that focus is not lost in the process of implementation. Popular architectural models, such as the Gartner model, are analyzed and their weaknesses exposed.

The Services Model

The Services Model conceptually breaks distributed applications into manageable layers that simplify development and promote robustness. This module explains the various layers and shows how they relate to an overall technology architecture. Job descriptions and their relationships to the Services Model are also explored. Topics include:
  1. Layers & sublayers that comprise a client/server application
  2. How to use the Services Model
  3. Changes to IT organizations
  4. Jobs and skills

Connectivity Services

Connectivity is the foundation of distributed computing, and this module explores it—from concepts through wiring schemes—in detail. Topics include:
  1. LANs and WANs: the enterprise connectivity spectrum
  2. Connectivity services sub-layers; the seven-layer OSI Model
  3. Physical vs logical connectivity
  4. Data link sub-layer protocols, including Ethernet, Token Ring, others; capacities; comparison
  5. Bridges and Gateways
  6. Inter-Process Communications: named pipes, sockets, APPC, RPCs
  7. Network operating systems, including Novell Netware, Banyan Vines, Microsoft, IBM SNA, TCP/IP; how they compare

Operating Platform Hardware

A major enabler of practical client/server has been the evolution of microprocessor-based computing platforms. This module examines the continuing evolution of hardware platforms and positions it in the Services Model. Topics include:
  1. Hardware platforms compared: mainframes, minis, micros
  2. Mainframe vs PC MIPS; the relative price of processing power
  3. CPU I/O and instruction execution; pipelining, memory protection, caching, VM
  4. PC bus architectures
  5. Processor families; CISC vs RISC

Operating System Services

The operating system offers an application program a consistent interface (API) for communicating with various devices and other applications. This module examines the services provided by past, present, and upcoming operating systems, how certain services enable client/ server, and how the scope of OS services continues to evolve. Topics include:
  1. Operating systems described and compared: MS-DOS/Windows, Apple Macintosh, IBM OS/2, UNIX, Windows NT, Windows 95
  2. OLE 2.0, OpenDoc
  3. Distributed operating systems
  4. OSF DCE
  5. CORBA
  6. Transaction Processing Services

Data Management Services

One of the most crucial problems of any client/server implementation is the secure and reliable management of partitioned and distributed data. This module deals with data management issues at the level of the database engine as an extension of the operating system. Topics include:
  1. Data management evolution
  2. Data complexity
  3. Data management services: transaction scheduling; data security; query processing, optimization & execution; transaction integrity; referential integrity
  4. RDBMS features: multi-user support & security, concurrency control, extended integrity, stored procedures, triggers
  5. Data security & integrity models
  6. Major RDBMS products: Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server, Informix, DB/2, and Ingres

Creating Distributed Applications

This module explores the tools needed to create distributed two-tier and multi-tier applications.

It shows how simple applications can be created quickly using visual programming tools and relational database management systems, and explores the problems of scaling these applications. It then shows how to create large, scalable, and reliable applications using middleware glue and remote servers.

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