Multi-Tier Client/Server Architectures & Implementation


This three-day seminar defines the architectural models that enable detailed planning of multi-tiered client/server systems and applications, and explains how client/server affects application life cycles.

Basic client/server concepts may seem simple, but organizations adopting this technology quickly discover that building an effective client/server system is a painfully complex task. More than any other computing model, client/server requires careful planning—planning that encompasses not only the system's components, functions and interfaces, but also the effect of the system on the people who implement, manage, maintain and operate it.

The Multi-Tier Client/Server Architectures and Implementation seminar examines architectural models that facilitate planning of effective client/server systems and applications, organizational changes required for a smooth transition, and the impact of client/server architectures on SDLCs. Designed for students with an understanding of client/server concepts, the seminar provides:

Who will benefit?

This seminar provides a valuable foundation of concepts and insight to anyone involved in the planning or development of multi-tier client/server systems and applications, including programmers, development managers, project leaders, and technically-involved end users. Knowledge of and/or experience with client/server concepts is prerequisite.

Ensure a smooth and effective transition to client/server.
Call 1.800.756.9450 to schedule this seminar or request information about other Socrates Group seminars. If none of our standard courses fits your special needs, we'll gladly create one that does.

Course Outline:

The Case for Architectures

Building an effective information system requires detailed plans. We show how architectures answer critical questions before a project is begun and insure that focus is not lost in the process of implementation. Popular architectural models, such as the Gartner model, are analyzed and their weaknesses exposed.

Business Technology Vision

The foremost architecture is the business technology vision that drives the project. In this module, we describe the components of a business technology vision and use an exercise to help participants create a vision for their organization.

Application Architecture

Spreading applications and data across a network requires thinking about the general structures of distributed applications and data. In this module, we introduce the Services Model, which breaks the application into manageable layers of functionality. Topics covered include:

  1. Enabling and expressive layers
  2. Distribution models and partitioning alternatives
  3. Where do business processes go?
  4. Data validation vs business process services
  5. Strengths and weaknesses of two-tier vs three-tier models

Technology Architecture

The technology architecture expresses the business technology vision and the application architecture as service interfaces and specific product choices. We discuss how these choices are made most effectively and related issues involving distributed data and network bandwidth. The Services Model does double-duty here as a simplification device. Topics covered include:

  1. Services & interfaces
  2. Enterprise API
  3. Technology architecture choices
  4. Network Architecture
  5. Distributed data: partitioned, extracted, and replicated
  6. Distributed update strategies; two-phase commit & on-line asynchronous replication
  7. Remote data access strategies

Process Thinking

Both technology and business models are changing at a frightening pace. Taking advantage of these changes requires a revolutionary way of thinking about technology and organizations that revolves around process rather than tasks and data. This module analyzes this new way of thinking and shows how client/server—a process-driven computing model—mandates its adoption. We show why the efficient transfer of information is as much dependent on business structure as on enabling technology.

Software Development Life Cycle Issues

Client/server radically changes the way software is developed. This module explores the impact of distributed processes and data on methods used to implement systems. Topics include:

  1. Typical phases of SDLCs
  2. Problems with traditional SDLCs
  3. Caveats and principles
  4. What changes with CSG RAD?
  5. Process model
  6. Visual prototype
  7. Designing graphical interfaces
  8. Data modeling
  9. Technology assessment
  10. Network benchmarking
  11. Event driven programming
  12. DLLs; custom controls; OLE
  13. Implementing business rules
  14. Testing & standards
  15. Documentation; on-line help

When & Where Does Client/Server Fit?

If client/server technology is still evolving, how do you determine when and to what extent to implement it? This module discusses the factors you should consider before making a move and introduces the Project Risk Assessment Profile, a valuable tool for determining the risks associated with client/server projects. Topics include:

  1. When should you play? The determining factors
  2. Major risk factors
  3. A typical client/server project-actual case study
  4. Managing risks: the Project Risk Assessment Profile
  5. Concurrent development
  6. Strategies for reducing risk


This module looks closely at the retraining needed to move to client/server and lays out a development plan for personal growth. Topics in this module include:

  1. Planning the client/server infrastructure
  2. Key components of the client/server training plan
  3. The Client/Server Services Model
  4. Infrastructure vs solution layers
  5. Two-tier vs multi-tier solutions
  6. Two basic skill sets
  7. Infrastructure support skills
  8. Solution creation skills
  9. Two-tier implementation team
  10. Multi-tier implementation team
  11. Training curriculums: The cost of training
  12. Cost justification of training
  13. Team training plan
  14. Summary


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