[The Socrates Group]
[What's new?]
[About us]


The Socrates Group, Inc. is a virtual corporation. We operate as a collection of collaborating associates. Here are links to some of the Socrates Group Associates:

etelos.com has acquired the Socrates Group [1999, since reacquired by Bob Jones]. etelos.com offers guaranteed-effective internet-based training, and their unique philosophy will enhance delivery of the Socrates Group seminars and courses.
Hearn/Perrell Art Associates does all of our graphics work and produced these Web pages.
Cybersearch [dead link removed 2009] supports our Internet access remotely and advises us on Internet technology issues.
Objectsoft Corporation [dead link removed 2009]

These are links to other organizations that are working for causes that we at the Socrates Group believe are important to our planet:
PeaceTrees is working to heal the planet by digging up land mines and planting trees.
Families Against Internet Censorship is supporting our efforts to keep the Internet free and uncensored.
Institute of HeartMath helps lower stress by teaching us to listen from our hearts.
Free speech court decisionA decision is near in the fight to overturn the Communications Decency Act [1997]. Watch this image and visit Voters Telecommunications Watch for more information.
© Copyright 1995, The Socrates Group